One of the many reasons SMBs invest in ERP and CRM software is to increase their productivity and create more opportunity for customer engagement. In short, owners are looking for a ROI from these business process tools.

Years back, a study indicated that more than “40% of a worker’s productive time” dwindles as workers multitask: switching from one task to another. The cost to the global economy, noted the report, was hitting $4,508 per year.

The upcoming release of Microsoft Dynamics 365 on November 1st, will provide business owners with yet another powerful business tool. Bundled as a single software package, the Azure cloud-based ERP and CRM platform will, initially, offer modules to handle Financials. Later updates will include functionality for Fixed Assets, Supply Chain Management, Opportunity Management (Sales!!), Workflow and Jobs (Project tracking!).

As noted in a recent Wall Street Journal overview on Dynamics 365:

“The offering will include Power BI and Cortana Intelligence…Dynamics 365 will connect to Office 365, (to deliver its) email, spreadsheet, word-processing, and presentation app. For instance, sales reps will be able to send customers quotes with up-to-date pricing and availability via email that draw directly on data in the ERP app.”

Microsoft’s Azure cloud-strategy with the Dynamics 365 offering reflects the growing acceptance among business owners of cloud apps and programs. A recent study by Bitglass indicates that “52 percent of organizations are confident” with cloud options—that’s up from 40% from a year ago. Furthermore, the software will be the Redmond Giant’s first cloud accounting/ERP offering.